Source code for vstutils.api.actions

import typing as _t

from django.http.response import FileResponse
from rest_framework import serializers, viewsets
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.utils.serializer_helpers import ReturnDict, ReturnList
from drf_yasg.utils import swagger_auto_schema

from .responses import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_201_CREATED, HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
from .serializers import EmptySerializer, DataSerializer

[docs]class Action: """ Base class of actions. Has minimal of required functionality to create an action and write only business logic. Examples: .. sourcecode:: python ... from vstutils.api.fields import VSTCharField from vstutils.api.serializers import BaseSerializer from vstutils.api.base import ModelViewSet from vstutils.api.actions import Action ... class RequestSerializer(BaseSerializer): data_field1 = ... ... class ResponseSerializer(BaseSerializer): detail = VSTCharField(read_only=True) class AuthorViewSet(ModelViewSet): model = ... ... @Action(serializer_class=RequestSerializer, result_serializer_class=ResponseSerializer, ...) def profile(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Got `serializer_class` body and response with `result_serializer_class`. ''' serializer = self.get_serializer(self.get_object(), serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) return {"detail": "Executed!"} :param detail: Flag indicating which type of action is used: on a list or on a single entity. Affects where this action will be displayed - on a detailed record or on a list of records. :param methods: List of available HTTP-methods for this action. Default has only `POST` method. :param serializer_class: Request body serializer. Also used for default response. :param result_serializer_class: Response body serializer. Required, when request and response has different set of fields. :param query_serializer: GET-request query data serializer. It is used when it is necessary to get valid data in the query data of a GET-request and cast it to the required type. :param multi: Used only with non-GET requests and notify GUI, that this action should be rendered over the selected list items. :param title: Title for action in UI. For non-GET actions, title is generated from method's name. :param icons: List of icons for UI button. :param is_list: Flag indicating whether the action type is a list or a single entity. Typically used with GET actions. :param kwargs: Set of named arguments for :func:`rest_framework.decorators.action`. """ __slots__ = ( 'detail', 'methods', 'serializer_class', 'result_serializer_class', 'query_serializer', 'action_kwargs', 'multi', 'title', 'icons', 'is_list', ) method_response_mapping = { "HEAD": HTTP_200_OK, "GET": HTTP_200_OK, "PUT": HTTP_200_OK, "PATCH": HTTP_200_OK, "POST": HTTP_201_CREATED, "DELETE": HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, } def __init__( # noqa: CFQ002 self, detail: bool = True, methods: _t.List[_t.Text] = None, serializer_class: _t.Type[serializers.Serializer] = DataSerializer, result_serializer_class: _t.Type[serializers.Serializer] = None, query_serializer: _t.Type[serializers.Serializer] = None, multi: bool = False, title: _t.Text = None, icons: _t.Union[_t.Text, _t.Iterable] = None, is_list: bool = False, **kwargs, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self.detail = detail self.methods = list(map(str.upper, methods or ['POST'])) or None self.serializer_class = serializer_class self.result_serializer_class = result_serializer_class self.query_serializer = query_serializer self.multi = multi self.title = title self.icons = icons self.is_list = is_list self.action_kwargs = kwargs if self.query_serializer: self.action_kwargs['query_serializer'] = self.query_serializer @property def is_page(self): return 'GET' in self.methods def wrap_function(self, func): res = action( detail=self.detail, serializer_class=self.serializer_class, methods=self.methods, **self.action_kwargs )(func) name = func.__name__.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() swagger_kwargs = { 'operation_description': (func.__doc__ or name).strip(), 'methods': self.methods, 'x-multiaction': self.multi if not self.is_page else False, 'x-title': self.title or (None if self.is_page else name), } if self.query_serializer: swagger_kwargs['query_serializer'] = self.query_serializer if self.icons: swagger_kwargs['x-icons'] = self.icons.split(' ') if isinstance(self.icons, _t.Text) else list(self.icons) if self.is_page: swagger_kwargs['x-list'] = self.is_list if self.result_serializer_class and issubclass(self.result_serializer_class, serializers.Serializer): swagger_kwargs['responses'] = { self.method_response_mapping[method].status_code: self.result_serializer_class for method in self.methods } res = swagger_auto_schema(**swagger_kwargs)(res) res.action = self res.__doc__ = swagger_kwargs['operation_description'] return res def __call__(self, method): def action_method( view: viewsets.GenericViewSet, request: Request, *args, **kwargs, ) -> _t.Union[Response, FileResponse]: result_serializer_class: _t.Type[serializers.Serializer] = self.result_serializer_class # type: ignore identical = False if result_serializer_class is None: result_serializer_class = view.get_serializer_class() # type: ignore identical = True result = method(view, request, *args, **kwargs) response_class = self.method_response_mapping[_t.cast(_t.Text, request.method)] if issubclass(result_serializer_class, serializers.Serializer): if not (isinstance(result, (ReturnDict, ReturnList)) and identical): serializer = result_serializer_class( result, many=self.is_list, context=view.get_serializer_context() ) result = elif isinstance(result, FileResponse): return result if self.is_list and result: result = { 'count': len(result), 'results': result, } return response_class(result) action_method.__name__ = self.action_kwargs.get('name', method.__name__) action_method.__doc__ = method.__doc__ return self.wrap_function(action_method)
[docs]class EmptyAction(Action): """ In this case, actions on an object do not require any data and manipulations with them. For such cases, there is a standard method that allows you to simplify the scheme and code to work just with the object. Optionally, you can also overload the response serializer to notify the interface about the format of the returned data. Examples: .. sourcecode:: python ... from vstutils.api.fields import RedirectIntegerField from vstutils.api.serializers import BaseSerializer from vstutils.api.base import ModelViewSet from vstutils.api.actions import EmptyAction ... class ResponseSerializer(BaseSerializer): id = RedirectIntegerField(operation_name='sync_history') class AuthorViewSet(ModelViewSet): model = ... ... @EmptyAction(result_serializer_class=ResponseSerializer, ...) def sync_data(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Example of action which get object, sync data and redirect user to another view. ''' sync_id = self.get_object().sync().id return {"id": sync_id} .. sourcecode:: python ... from django.http.response import FileResponse from vstutils.api.base import ModelViewSet from vstutils.api.actions import EmptyAction ... class AuthorViewSet(ModelViewSet): model = ... ... @EmptyAction(result_serializer_class=ResponseSerializer, ...) def resume(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Example of action which response with generated resume in pdf. ''' instance = self.get_object() return FileResponse( streaming_content=instance.get_pdf(), as_attachment=True, filename=f'{instance.last_name}_{instance.first_name}_resume.pdf' ) """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['serializer_class'] = EmptySerializer super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class SimpleAction(Action): """ In the official documentation of Django, an example is given with moving data that is not important for authorization to the Profile model. To work with such data that is outside the main model, there is this action object, which implements the basic logic in the most automated way. It covers most of the tasks for working with such data. By default, it has a GET method instead of POST. Also, for better organization of the code, it allows you to change the methods that will be called when modifying or deleting data. When assigning an action on an object, the list of methods is also filled with the necessary ones. Examples: .. sourcecode:: python ... from vstutils.api.fields import PhoneField from vstutils.api.serializers import BaseSerializer from vstutils.api.base import ModelViewSet from vstutils.api.actions import Action ... class ProfileSerializer(BaseSerializer): phone = PhoneField() class AuthorViewSet(ModelViewSet): model = ... ... @SimpleAction(serializer_class=ProfileSerializer, ...) def profile(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get profile data to work. ''' return self.get_object().profile @profile.setter def profile(self, instance, request, serializer, *args, **kwargs):['phone']) @profile.deleter def profile(self, instance, request, serializer, *args, **kwargs): = ''['phone']) """ __slots__ = ('extra_actions',) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('methods', ['GET']) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.extra_actions = {} def __call__(self, getter=None): self.extra_actions['get'] = getter def action_method( view: viewsets.GenericViewSet, request: Request, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Response: get_instance_method = self.extra_actions.get('get') if get_instance_method: method_kwargs: _t.Dict[_t.Text, _t.Any] = {'query_data': {}} if request.method == "GET": try: method_kwargs['query_data'] = view.get_query_serialized_data(request) # type: ignore except (AttributeError, AssertionError): pass instance = get_instance_method(view, request, **method_kwargs) else: instance = view.get_object() if not self.is_list else view.get_queryset() if request.method in {'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'}: serializer = view.get_serializer( instance,, partial=request.method == 'PATCH', many=self.is_list ) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) else: serializer = view.get_serializer(instance, many=self.is_list) if request.method in {'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'}: if 'set' in self.extra_actions: self.extra_actions['set'](view, instance, request, serializer, *args, **kwargs) else: elif request.method == "DELETE": if 'del' in self.extra_actions: self.extra_actions['del'](view, instance, request, *args, **kwargs) else: instance.delete() return action_method.__name__ = getter.__name__ if getter else self.action_kwargs['name'] action_method.__doc__ = self.extra_actions['get'].__doc__ resulted_action = super().__call__(action_method) def setter(setter_method): self.extra_actions['set'] = setter_method if 'PATCH' not in self.methods and 'PUT' not in self.methods: self.methods.append('PATCH') self.methods.append('PUT') setter_method.__name__ = f'{action_method.__name__}__setter' return self(self.extra_actions.get('get')) def deleter(deleter_method): self.extra_actions['del'] = deleter_method if 'DELETE' not in self.methods: self.methods.append('DELETE') deleter_method.__name__ = f'{action_method.__name__}__deleter' return self(self.extra_actions.get('get')) resulted_action.setter = setter resulted_action.deleter = deleter resulted_action.__doc__ = self.extra_actions['get'].__doc__ return resulted_action