Frontend Quickstart

VST utils framework uses Vue ecosystem to render frontend. The quickstart manual will guide you through the most important steps to customize frontend features. App installation and setting up described in - Backend Section of this docs.

There are several stages in vstutils app:

  1. Before app started:

    • checkCacheVersions() checks if app version has been changed since last visit and cleans all cached data if so;

    • loading open api schema from backend. Emits ‘openapi.loaded’ signal;

    • loading all static files from SPA_STATIC in;

    • sets AppConfiguration from openapi schema;

  2. App started:

    • if there is centrifugoClient in connects it. To read more about centrifugo configuration check “Centrifugo client settings”;

    • downloading a list of available languages and translations;

    • api.loadUser() returns user data;

    • ModelsResolver creates models from schema, emits signal models[${modelName}].created for each created model and allModels.created when all models created;

    • ViewConstructor.generateViews() inits View fieldClasses and modelClasses;

    • QuerySetsResolver finds appropriate queryset by model name and view path;

    • global_components.registerAll() registers Vue global_components;

    • prepare() emits app.beforeInit with { app: this };

    • initialize model with LocalSettings. Find out more about this in the section LocalSettings;

    • creates routerConstructor from this.views, emits ‘app.beforeInitRouter’ with { routerConstructor } and gets new VueRouter({this.routes});

    • inits application Vue() from, pinia store and emits ‘app.afterInit’ with {app: this};

  3. Application mounted.

There is a flowchart representing application initialization process (signal names have red font):

Field customization

To add custom script to the project, set script name in

    {'priority': 101, 'type': 'js', 'name': 'main.js', 'source': 'project_lib'},

and put the script (main.js) in {appName}/static/ directory.

  1. In main.js create new field by extending it from BaseField (or any other appropriate field)

    For example lets create a field that renders HTML h1 element with ‘Hello World!` text:

class CustomField extends spa.fields.base.BaseField {
    static get mixins() {
        return super.mixins.concat({
            render(createElement) {
                return createElement('h1', {}, 'Hello World!');

Or render person’s name with some prefix

class CustomField extends spa.fields.base.BaseField {
  static get mixins() {
    return super.mixins.concat({
      render(h) {
        return h("h1", {}, `Mr ${this.$}`);
  1. Register this field to app.fieldsResolver to provide appropriate field format and type to a new field

const customFieldFormat = 'customField';
app.fieldsResolver.registerField('string', customFieldFormat, CustomField);
  1. Listen for a appropriate models[ModelWithFieldToChange].fields.beforeInit signal to change field Format

spa.signals.connect(`models[ModelWithFieldToChange].fields.beforeInit`, (fields) => {
    fields.fieldToChange.format = customFieldFormat;

List of models and their fields is available during runtime in console at app.modelsClasses

To change Filed behavior, create new field class with a desired logic. Let’s say you need to send number of milliseconds to API, user however wants to type in number of seconds. A solution would be to override field’s toInner and toRepresent methods.

class MilliSecondsField extends spa.fields.numbers.integer.IntegerField {
  toInner(data) {
    return super.toInner(data) * 1000;
  toRepresent(data) {
    return super.toRepresent(data)/1000;

const milliSecondsFieldFormat = 'milliSeconds'
app.fieldsResolver.registerField('integer', milliSecondsFieldFormat, MilliSecondsField);
spa.signals.connect(`models[OneAllFields].fields.beforeInit`, (fields) => {
  fields.integer.format = milliSecondsFieldFormat;

Now you have field that show seconds, but saves/receives data in milliseconds on detail view of AllFieldsModel.


If you need to show some warning or error to developer console you can use field warn and error methods. You can pass some message and it will print it with field type, model name and field name.

Change path to FkField

Sometime you may need to request different set of objects for FkField. For example to choose from only famous authors, create famous_author endpoint on backend and set FkField request path to famous_author. Listen for app.beforeInit signal.

spa.signals.connect('app.beforeInit', ({ app }) => {
  app.modelsResolver.get('OnePost').fields.get('author').querysets.get('/post/new/')[0].url = '/famous_author/'

Now when we create new post on /post/ endpoint Author FkField makes get request to /famous_author/ instead of /author/. It’s useful to get different set of authors (that may have been previously filtered on backend).

CSS Styling

  1. Like scripts, css files may be added to SPA_STATIC in


    {'priority': 101, 'type': 'css', 'name': 'style.css', 'source': 'project_lib'},

Let’s inspect page and find css class for our customField. It is column-format-customField and generated with column-format-{Field.format} pattern.

  1. Use regular css styling to change appearance of the field.

.column-format-customField:hover {
    background-color: orangered;
    color: white;

Other page elements are also available for styling: for example, to hide certain column set corresponding field to none.

.column-format-customField {
    display: none;

Show primary key column on list

Every pk column has pk-column CSS class and hidden by default (using display: none;).

For example this style will show pk column on all list views of Order model:

.list-Order .pk-column {
    display: table-cell;

View customization

Listen for signal “allViews.created” and add new custom mixin to the view.

Next code snippet depicts rendering new view instead of default view.

spa.signals.once('allViews.created', ({ views }) => {
    const AuthorListView = views.get('/author/');
        render(h) {
            return h('h1', {}, `Custom view`);

Learn more about Vue render() function at Vue documentation.

It is also possible to fine tune View by overriding default computed properties and methods of existing mixins. For example, override breadcrumbs computed property to turn off breadcrumbs on Author list View

import { ref } from 'vue';

spa.signals.once("allViews.created", ({ views }) => {
    const AuthorListView = views.get("/author/");
    AuthorListView.extendStore((store) => {
        return {
            breadcrumbs: ref([]),

Sometimes you may need to hide detail page for some reason, but still want all actions and sublinks to be accessible from list page. To do it you also should listen signal “allViews.created” and change parameter hidden from default false to true, for example:

spa.signals.once('allViews.created', ({ views }) => {
    const authorView = views.get('/author/{id}/');
    authorView.hidden = true;

Changing title of the view

To change title and string displayed in the breadcrumbs change title property of the view or method getTitle for more complex logic.

spa.signals.once('allViews.created', ({ views }) => {
    const usersList = views.get('/user/');
    usersList.title = 'Users list';

    const userDetail = views.get('/user/{id}/');
    userDetail.getTitle = (state) => (state?.instance ? `User: ${}` : 'User');

Basic Webpack configuration

To use webpack in you project rename webpack.config.js.default to webpack.config.js. Every project based on vst-utils contains index.js in /frontend_src/app/ directory. This file is intended for your code. Run yarn command to install all dependencies. Then run yarn devBuild from root dir of your project to build static files. Final step is to add built file to SPA_STATIC in

    {'priority': 101, 'type': 'js', 'name': '{AppName}/bundle/app.js', 'source': 'project_lib'},

Webpack configuration file allows to add more static files. In webpack.config.js add more entries

const config = {
  mode: setMode(),
  entry: {
    'app': entrypoints_dir + "/app/index.js" // default,
    'myapp': entrypoints_dir + "/app/myapp.js" // just added

Output files will be built into frontend_src/{AppName}/static/{AppName}/bundle directory. Name of output file corresponds to name of entry in config. In the example above output files will have names app.js and myapp.js. Add all of these files to STATIC_SPA in During vstutils installation trough pip frontend code are being build automatically, so you may need to add bundle directory to gitignore.

Page store

Every page has store that can be accessed globally or from page component using

View method extendStore can be used to add custom logic to page’s store.

import { computed } from 'vue';

spa.signals.once('allViews.created', ({ views }) => {
    views.get('/user/{id}/').extendStore((store) => {
        // Override title of current page using computed value
        const title = computed(() => `Current page has ${store.instances.hength} instances`);

        async function fetchData() {
            await store.fetchData();  // Call original fetchData
            await callSomeExternalApi(store.instances.value);

        return {

Overriding root component

Root component of the application can be overridden using app.beforeInit signal. This can be useful for such things as changing layout CSS classes, back button behaviour or main layout components.

Example of customizing sidebar component:

const CustomAppRoot = {
    components: { Sidebar: CustomSidebar },
    mixins: [spa.AppRoot],
spa.signals.once('app.beforeInit', ({ app }) => {
    app.appRootComponent = CustomAppRoot;

Translating values of fields

Values tha displayed by FKField of ChoicesField can be translated using standard translations files.

Translation key must be defined as :model:<ModelName>:<fieldName>:<value>. For example:

    ':model:Category:name:Category 1': 'Категория 1',

Translation of values can be taxing as every model on backend usually generates more than one model on frontend, To avoid this, add _translate_model = ‘Category’ attribute to model on backend. It shortens

':model:Category:name:Category 1': 'Категория 1',
':model:OneCategory:name:Category 1': 'Категория 1',
':model:CategoryCreate:name:Category 1': 'Категория 1',


':model:Category:name:Category 1': 'Категория 1',

For FKField name of the related model is used. And fieldName should be equal to viewField.


This model’s fields are displayed in the left sidebar. All data from this model saves in browser Local Storage. If you want to add another options, you can do it using beforeInit signal, for example:

spa.signals.once('models[_LocalSettings].fields.beforeInit', (fields) => {
        const cameraField = new spa.fields.base.BaseField({ name: 'camera' });
        // You can add some logic here = cameraField;


There are three ways to store data:

  • userSettingsStore - saves data on the server. By default, there are options for changing language and a button to turn on/off the dark mode. Data to userSettingsStore comes from schema.

  • localSettingsStore - saves data in the browser Local Storage. This is where you can store your own fields, as described in LocalSettings.

  • store - stores current page data.

To use any of this stores you need to run the following command: app.[storeName], for example: app.userSettingsStore.


If you are accessing the userSettingsStore from within the component then you need to use this.$app instead app.

From you may need:

  • vewsItems and viewItemsMap - stores information about parent views for this page. It is used for example in breadcrumbs. The difference between them is only in the way information is stored: viewItems is an Array of Objects and viewItemsMap is a Map.

  • page - saves all information about current page.

  • title - title of current page.