Исходный код vstutils.api.base

import enum
import hashlib
import re
import io
import json
import logging
import inspect
import traceback
import datetime
import typing as _t
from functools import partial
from copy import deepcopy

import orjson
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import exceptions as djexcs
from django.http.response import Http404, FileResponse, HttpResponseNotModified
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db import transaction, models
from django.utils.functional import cached_property, lazy
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
from rest_framework import viewsets as vsets, views as rvs, mixins as drf_mixins, exceptions, status
from rest_framework.serializers import BaseSerializer
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.schemas import AutoSchema as DRFAutoSchema
from rest_framework.utils.serializer_helpers import ReturnList, ReturnDict

from ..utils import classproperty, get_if_lazy, raise_context_decorator_with_default, patch_gzip_response_decorator
from . import responses, fields
from .filter_backends import get_serializer_readable_fields
from .serializers import (

default_methods = [
detail_actions = (
main_actions = ('list',) + detail_actions
query_check_params = (
default_cache_control_header_data = 'private, no-cache'
non_optimizeable_fields = (
logger = logging.getLogger(settings.VST_PROJECT)
http404_re_translate = re.compile(r"^No\s(.+)\smatches the given query.$", re.MULTILINE)

def _get_cleared(qs):
    return getattr(qs, 'cleared', lambda: qs)()

def apply_translation(obj, trans_function):
    recursive_call = partial(apply_translation, trans_function=trans_function)
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return {
            trans_function(k): recursive_call(v)
            for k, v in obj.items()
    elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
        return type(obj)(recursive_call(v) for v in obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, (exceptions.ErrorDetail, ReturnList, ReturnDict)):
        with raise_context_decorator_with_default():
            obj = orjson.loads(json.dumps(obj))
            return recursive_call(obj)
    return trans_function(obj)

def exception_handler(exc, context):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    traceback_str: _t.Text = traceback.format_exc()
    default_exc = (exceptions.APIException, djexcs.PermissionDenied)
    serializer_class = ErrorSerializer
    data: _t.Optional[_t.Dict[_t.Text, _t.Any]] = None
    code: _t.SupportsInt = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    lang = getattr(context.get('request'), 'language', None)
    translate = getattr(lang, 'translate', lambda text: text)

    if isinstance(exc, exceptions.APIException):
        if isinstance(exc.detail, ReturnDict):
            for key, value in exc.detail.items():
                exc.detail[key] = apply_translation(value, translate)
            exc.detail = apply_translation(exc.detail, translate)

    elif isinstance(exc, djexcs.PermissionDenied):  # pragma: no cover
        data = {"detail": translate(str(exc))}
        code = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN

    elif isinstance(exc, Http404):
        text = getattr(exc, 'msg', str(exc))
        with raise_context_decorator_with_default():
            instance_type = http404_re_translate.match(text).group(1)  # type: ignore
            if instance_type:
                instance_type = str(instance_type)
                instance_type_format = translate(instance_type.lower())
                if instance_type.istitle():
                    instance_type_format = instance_type_format.title()
                text = translate(text.replace(instance_type, '{0}')).format(instance_type_format)
            elif text:  # nocv
                text = translate(text)
        data = {"detail": text}
        code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND

    elif isinstance(exc, djexcs.ValidationError):
        if hasattr(exc, 'error_dict'):  # nocv
            errors = apply_translation(dict(exc), translate)  # type: ignore
        elif hasattr(exc, 'error_list'):
            errors = {'other_errors': apply_translation(list(exc), translate)}
        else:  # nocv
            errors = {'other_errors': apply_translation(str(exc), translate)}
        data = {"detail": errors}
        serializer_class = ValidationErrorSerializer

    elif not isinstance(exc, default_exc) and isinstance(exc, Exception):
        data = {
            'detail': translate(str(exc)),
            'error_type': type(exc).__name__
        code = getattr(exc, 'status', code)
        serializer_class = OtherErrorsSerializer

    if data is not None:
        serializer = serializer_class(data=data)
        except:  # nocv
            logger.debug("Cannot serialize error data.")
            return responses.BaseResponseClass(serializer.data, code)

    logger.info(traceback_str) if getattr(exc, 'status_code', 400) >= 400 else None
    default_response = rvs.exception_handler(exc, context)

    if isinstance(exc, exceptions.NotAuthenticated):  # nocv
        default_response["X-Anonymous"] = "true"  # type: ignore

    return default_response

class AutoSchema(DRFAutoSchema):

    def get_description(self, path, method):
        # pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement,redefined-outer-name
        method_name: _t.Text = getattr(self.view, 'action', method.lower())
        method_obj: _t.Optional[_t.Callable] = getattr(self.view, method_name, None)
        method_view: _t.Optional[_t.Type[rvs.APIView]] = (
            getattr(method_obj, '_nested_view', None)
            if method_obj else None
        method_view = get_if_lazy(method_view)

        if method_obj.__doc__:
            return method_obj.__doc__.strip()
        if not method_view:
            if not self.view.__class__.__doc__:
                model = getattr(self.view, 'model', None)
                if model is not None and model.__doc__:
                    self.view.__class__.__doc__ = model.__doc__
            return super().get_description(path, method)

        method_view_obj = method_view()
        action = path.split('/')[-2]
        submethod = getattr(method_view, action, None)
        if submethod.__doc__:
            return str(submethod.__doc__).strip()  # nocv
        if method == 'GET' and '{' not in path[:-1].split('/')[-1]:
            action = 'list'
        elif method == 'POST':
            action = 'create'
        elif method == 'GET':
            action = 'retrieve'
        elif method == 'PUT':
            action = 'update'
        elif method == 'PATCH':
            action = 'partial_update'
        elif method == 'DELETE':
            action = 'destroy'
        method_view_obj.action = action
        if method_view_obj.schema is None:
            return 'No description'  # nocv
        return method_view_obj.schema.get_description(path, method)

class QuerySetMixin(rvs.APIView):
    Instance REST operations.
    _queryset = None
    model = None

    def queryset(self):
        # pylint: disable=method-hidden,function-redefined
        if self._queryset is not None:
            return _get_cleared(self._queryset)
        return _get_cleared(self.model.objects.all())

    def queryset(self, value):
        self._queryset = value

    def _base_get_queryset(self):
        assert self.queryset is not None, (
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' should either include a `queryset` attribute, "
            "or override the `get_queryset()` method."

        queryset = self.queryset
        if isinstance(queryset, QuerySet):
            # Ensure queryset is re-evaluated on each request.
            queryset = queryset.all()
        return queryset

    def get_extra_queryset(self):
        return self.queryset

    def get_queryset(self):
        if self.queryset is None:  # nocv
            assert self.model is not None, (
                f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' should either include a `queryset` or `model` attribute,"
                " or override the `get_queryset()` method."
            self.queryset = _get_cleared(self.model.objects.all())
        self.queryset = self.get_extra_queryset()
        return self._base_get_queryset()

class GenericViewSetMeta(type(vsets.GenericViewSet)):

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        for detail in (True, False):
            setattr(new_class, mcs.__get_http_methods_attr_name(new_class, detail), None)
        return new_class

    def __get_http_methods_attr_name(cls, detail):
        return ''.join(['__', 'detail' if detail else 'list', 'http_methods', '__'])

[документация]class GenericViewSet(QuerySetMixin, vsets.GenericViewSet, metaclass=GenericViewSetMeta): """ The base class for all views. Extends the standard features of the DRF class. Here are some of the possibilities: - Provides ``model`` attribute instead of ``queryset``. - Provides to set serializers for each action separately through a dictionary ``action_serializers`` or attributes starting with ``serializer_class_[action name]``. - Provides to specify a serializer for lists and detail views separately. - Optimizes the database query for GET requests, if possible, by selecting only the fields necessary for the serializer. """ optimize_get_by_values = settings.OPTIMIZE_GET_BY_VALUES optimize_get_by_values_actions = () select_related = False _serializer_class_one = None query_serializer = None model = None action_serializers = {}
[документация] def create_action_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A method that implements the standard logic for actions. It relies on the passed arguments to build logic. So, if the named argument data was passed, then the serializer will be validated and saved. :param autosave: Enables/disables the execution of saving by the serializer if named argument `data` passed. Enabled by default. :type autosave: bool :param: data: Default serializer class argument with serializable data. Enables validation and saving. :type data: dict :param: instance: Default serializer class argument with serializable instance. :type instance: typing.Any :param custom_data: Dict with data which will passed to `validated_data` without validation. :type custom_data: dict :param serializer_class: Serializer class for this execution. May be useful when request and response serializers are different. :type serializer_class: None,type[rest_framework.serializers.Serializer] :return: Ready serializer with default logic performed. :rtype: rest_framework.serializers.Serializer """ self.serializer_class = kwargs.pop('serializer_class', None) or self.get_serializer_class() save_kwargs = kwargs.pop('custom_data', {}) should_save = kwargs.pop('autosave', True) or save_kwargs serializer = self.get_serializer(*args, **kwargs) if 'data' in kwargs: serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) if should_save: serializer.save(**save_kwargs) return serializer
def filter_for_filter_backends(self, backend): return getattr(backend, 'required', False) def filter_queryset(self, queryset): if hasattr(self, 'nested_name'): self.filter_backends = filter( self.filter_for_filter_backends, self.filter_backends ) qs = super().filter_queryset(queryset) if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve') + self.optimize_get_by_values_actions and self.optimize_get_by_values: # pylint: disable=protected-access serializer_class = self.get_serializer_class() if issubclass(serializer_class, BaseSerializer): read_fields = get_serializer_readable_fields(serializer_class()) _fields = queryset.model._meta.get_fields() model_fields = {f.name for f in _fields} fk_related_fields = { f.name for f in _fields if isinstance(f, models.ForeignKey) } deferable_fields = ( model_fields - read_fields - fk_related_fields - set(getattr(queryset.model, '_required_fields', None) or set()) ) if deferable_fields: return qs.defer(*deferable_fields) return qs
[документация] def get_serializer_class(self): """ Provides to setup serializer class for each action. """ lookup_field = self.lookup_url_kwarg or self.lookup_field or 'pk' action_name = getattr(self, 'action', None) # Try to get overloaded serializer from 'action_serializers' or from attrs serializer_class = getattr(self, f'serializer_class_{action_name}', None) if serializer_class: return serializer_class if action_name in self.action_serializers: serializer_class = self.action_serializers.get(action_name, None) if serializer_class: return serializer_class if action_name not in main_actions: view_func = getattr(self, action_name, None) if view_func is not None: serializer_class = getattr(view_func, 'kwargs', {}).get('serializer_class', None) if serializer_class: return serializer_class is_detail = ( self.request and ( action_name in detail_actions or ( self.kwargs.get(lookup_field, False) and action_name in main_actions ) ) ) # Get 'serializer_class_one' for detail operations if hasattr(self, 'serializer_class_one') and is_detail: return self.serializer_class_one # pylint: disable=no-member return super().get_serializer_class()
[документация] def get_query_serialized_data(self, request, query_serializer=None, raise_exception=True): """ Get request query data and serialize values if `query_serializer_class` attribute exists or attribute was send. :param request: DRF request object. :param query_serializer: serializer class for processing parameters in query_params. :param raise_exception: flag that indicates whether an exception should be thrown during validation in the serializer or not. """ serializer_class: _t.Optional[_t.Type[BaseSerializer]] = ( query_serializer or getattr(self, 'query_serializer', None) ) assert serializer_class is not None, "You must setup 'query_serializer_class' in arguments or view attribute." serializer: BaseSerializer = serializer_class(data=request.query_params, context=self.get_serializer_context()) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=raise_exception) if serializer.validated_data: self.headers['X-Query-Data'] = urlencode(serializer.validated_data, doseq=True) return serializer.validated_data
[документация] def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the serializer instance that should be used for validating and deserializing input, and for serializing output. Provide to use :class:`django.http.StreamingHttpResponse` as serializer init. """ serializer_class = self.get_serializer_class() if issubclass(serializer_class, BaseSerializer): kwargs.setdefault('context', self.get_serializer_context()) return serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
[документация] def nested_allow_check(self): """ Just raise or pass. Used for nested views for easier access checking. """
@classmethod def get_view_methods(cls, detail=False): attr_name = ''.join(['__', 'detail' if detail else 'list', 'http_methods', '__']) methods = getattr(cls, attr_name, None) if methods is not None: return methods methods = [] if not detail and hasattr(cls, 'create'): methods.append('post') if hasattr(cls, 'list') or hasattr(cls, 'retrieve'): methods.append('get') if detail and hasattr(cls, 'update'): methods.append('put') if detail and hasattr(cls, 'partial_update'): methods.append('patch') if detail and hasattr(cls, 'destroy'): methods.append('delete') setattr(cls, attr_name, methods) return methods @classmethod def get_extra_actions(cls): return super().get_extra_actions() @classmethod def as_view(cls, actions=None, **initkwargs): return super().as_view(actions, **initkwargs)
[документация]def get_etag_value(view, model_class, request, pk=None): """ The get_etag_value function is designed to compute a unique ETag value based on the model's state, request parameters, and additional dependencies such as user language, session, and user identity. This function supports both single models and collections of models. :param view: An instance of :class:`.GenericViewSet`, responsible for view operations. :type view: :class:`.GenericViewSet` :param model_class: The model class for which the ETag value is being generated. This parameter can be a single model class or a collection of model classes (:class:`list`, :class:`tuple`, or :class:`set`). Each model class may optionally implement a class method named ``get_etag_value``. :type model_class: :class:`django.db.models.Model`, :class:`list`, :class:`tuple`, or :class:`set` :param request: The request object from the Django REST framework, containing all the HTTP request information. :type request: :class:`rest_framework.request.Request` :param pk: he primary key of the model instance for which the ETag is being calculated. This can be a specific value (int or str) for single model usage, or a dictionary mapping model classes to their respective primary key values for collections of models. :return: The computed ETag value as a hexadecimal string. :rtype: :class:`str` The function operates differently based on the type of model_class provided: - **Collection of Models**: When model_class is a collection, the function computes an ETag by concatenating ETag values of individual models in the collection, using a recursive call for each model. The ETag value for each model is encoded and hashed using Blake2s algorithm. - **Model with ``get_etag_value`` method**: If the model class has a get_etag_value method, the function calls this method to obtain a base ETag value. It then appends language, user ID, and session key information if they are marked as dependencies in the model's ``_cache_response_dependencies`` attribute. This base ETag may be further processed to include the application's full version string and hashed if user or session information is included. - **Model without ``get_etag_value`` method**: For models lacking a custom get_etag_value method, the function generates an ETag based on the model's class name and a hash of the application's full version string. """ should_hash = False ver = settings.FULL_VERSION if isinstance(model_class, (list, tuple, set)): pk = pk or {view.model_class: view.kwargs.get(view.lookup_url_kwarg or view.lookup_field)} return hashlib.blake2s( "_".join(get_etag_value(view, mc, request, pk.get(mc, 0)) for mc in model_class) .encode(settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET), digest_size=8, ).hexdigest() elif (get_etag_value_callback := getattr(model_class, 'get_etag_value', None)) is not None: pk = pk or view.kwargs.get(view.lookup_url_kwarg or view.lookup_field) etag_value = get_etag_value_callback(pk) dependencies = getattr(model_class, '_cache_response_dependencies', (EtagDependency.LANG,)) if EtagDependency.LANG in dependencies: etag_value += f'_{request.COOKIES.get(settings.LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME, settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)}' if EtagDependency.USER in dependencies: etag_value += f'_{request.user.id or 0}' should_hash = True if EtagDependency.SESSION in dependencies: etag_value += f'_{request.session.session_key}' should_hash = True else: etag_value = f'{model_class}_{hashlib.blake2s(ver.encode(settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET), digest_size=4).hexdigest()}' return hashlib.blake2s(f'{etag_value}_{ver}'.encode(settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET), digest_size=8).hexdigest() \ if should_hash \ else etag_value
[документация]class EtagDependency(enum.Flag): """ A custom enumeration that defines potential dependencies for ETag generation. It includes: """ USER = enum.auto() """ Indicates dependency on the user's identity. """ SESSION = enum.auto() """ Indicates dependency on the user's session. """ LANG = enum.auto() """ Indicates dependency on the user's language preference. """
[документация]def check_request_etag(request, etag_value, header_name="If-None-Match", operation_handler=str.__eq__): """ The function plays a crucial role within the context of the ETag mechanism, providing a flexible way to validate client-side ETags against the server-side version for both cache validation and ensuring data consistency in web applications. It supports conditional handling of HTTP requests based on the match or mismatch of ETag values, accommodating various scenarios such as cache freshness checks and prevention of concurrent modifications. :param request: The HTTP request object containing the client's headers, from which the ETag for comparison is retrieved. :type request: :class:`rest_framework.request.Request` :param etag_value: The server-generated ETag value that represents the current state of the resource. This unique identifier is recalculated whenever the resource's content changes. :type etag_value: :class:`str` :param header_name: Specifies the HTTP header to look for the client's ETag. Defaults to "If-None-Match", commonly used in GET requests for cache validation. For operations requiring confirmation that the client is acting on the latest version of a resource (e.g., PUT or DELETE), "If-Match" should be used instead. :type header_name: :class:`str` :param operation_handler: A function to compare the ETags. By default, this is set to ``str.__eq__``, which checks for an exact match between the client's and server's ETags, suitable for validating caches with ``If-None-Match``. To handle ``If-Match`` scenarios, where the operation should proceed only if the ETags do not match, indicating the resource has been modified, ``str.__ne__`` (not equal) can be used as the operation handler. This flexibility allows for precise control over how and when clients are allowed to read from or write to resources based on their version. :return: Returns a tuple containing the server's ETag and a boolean flag. The flag is ``True`` if the operation handler condition between the server's and client's ETag is met, indicating the request should proceed based on the matching logic defined by the operation handler; otherwise, it returns ``False``. """ header = request.headers.get(header_name) if not header: return etag_value, False header = str(header) if header[:2] in {'W/', "w/"}: header = header[2:] if header[0] != '"': header = f'"{header}"' if etag_value[0] != '"': etag_value = f'"{etag_value}"' if operation_handler(etag_value, header): return etag_value, True return etag_value, False
[документация]class CachableHeadMixin(GenericViewSet): """ A mixin designed to enhance caching for GET responses in Django REST framework views, leveraging the standard HTTP caching mechanism. It returns a 304 Not Modified status for reading requests like GET or HEAD when the ETag (Entity Tag) in the client's request matches the current resource state, and a 412 Precondition Failed status for writing requests when the condition fails. This approach reduces unnecessary network traffic and load times for unchanged resources, and ensures data consistency for write operations. The mixin relies on :func:`.get_etag_value` and :func:`.check_request_etag` functions within the `GenericViewSet` context to dynamically generate and validate ETags for resource states. By comparing ETags, it determines whether content has changed since the last request, allowing clients to reuse cached responses when applicable and preventing concurrent write operations from overwriting each other without acknowledgment of updated state. .. warning:: This mixin is designed to work with models that inherit from :class:`vstutils.models.BModel`. Usage with other models may not provide the intended caching behavior and could lead to incorrect application behavior. .. note:: For effective use, ensure model classes are compatible with ETag generation and validation by implementing the :func:`.get_etag_value` method for custom ETag computation. Additionally, the :class:`.GenericViewSet` using this mixin should properly handle ETag headers in client requests to leverage HTTP caching. An additional feature of the ``CachableHeadMixin`` is its automatic inclusion in the generated view from a :class:`vstutils.models.BModel` if the model class has the ``_cache_responses`` class attribute set to ``True``. This enables automatic caching capabilities for models indicating readiness for HTTP-based caching, streamlining the process of optimizing response times and reducing server load for frequently accessed resources. """ class NotModifiedException(exceptions.APIException): status_code = 304 default_detail = '' default_code = 'cached' class PreconditionFailedException(exceptions.APIException): status_code = 412 default_detail = '' @cached_property def model_class(self): return getattr(self, 'model', None) or self.queryset.model @cached_property @raise_context_decorator_with_default(default=False) def is_main_action(self): if hasattr(self, 'should_cache') and not self.should_cache(): return False return self.action in main_actions or getattr(getattr(self, self.action, None), '_nested_view', None) is None def get_etag_value(self, model_class, request, pk=None): return get_etag_value(view=self, model_class=model_class, request=request, pk=pk) def _get_etag(self, model_class, request): return f'"{self.get_etag_value(model_class, request)}"' def should_check_action(self, method): return method in getattr(self, 'etag_match_methods', {method}) def check_etag(self, request, model_class=None): should_check, header_name, exception, operation_handler = False, "", Exception(), str.__eq__ if request.method in {"GET", "HEAD"}: should_check = True exception = self.NotModifiedException("") header_name = "If-None-Match" elif self.should_check_action(request.method): should_check = True exception = self.PreconditionFailedException("") header_name = "If-Match" operation_handler = str.__ne__ if not should_check: # For non-standart request methods return # nocv _, match = check_request_etag( request, self.get_etag_value(model_class or self.model_class, request), header_name, operation_handler, ) if match: raise exception def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs): result_response = super().finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs) if self.is_main_action and 'ETag' not in result_response.headers: result_response.headers['ETag'] = lazy(self._get_etag, str)(self.model_class, request) return result_response def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super().initial(request, *args, **kwargs) if self.is_main_action: self.check_etag(request)
[документация]class CopyMixin(GenericViewSet): """ Mixin for viewsets which adds `copy` endpoint to view. """ #: Value of prefix which will be added to new instance name. copy_prefix = 'copy-' #: Name of field which will get a prefix. copy_field_name = 'name' #: List of related names which will be copied to new instance. copy_related = () def copy_instance(self, instance): new_instance = deepcopy(instance) new_instance.pk = None name = getattr(instance, self.copy_field_name, None) if isinstance(name, str): name = f'{self.copy_prefix}{name}' setattr(new_instance, self.copy_field_name, name) new_instance.save() for related_name in self.copy_related: new_related_manager = getattr(new_instance, related_name, None) if new_related_manager is not None: new_related_manager.set(getattr(instance, related_name).all()) return new_instance
[документация] @action(methods=['post'], detail=True) @transaction.atomic() def copy(self, request, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Endpoint which copy instance with deps. """ instance = self.copy_instance(self.get_object()) serializer = self.get_serializer(instance, data=request.data, partial=True) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) serializer.save() return responses.HTTP_201_CREATED(serializer.data)
[документация]class FileResponseRetrieveMixin(GenericViewSet): """ ViewSet mixin for retrieving FileResponse from models with file fields data. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../test_src/test_proj/models/files.py :lines: 1-22,59-77 """ instance_field_filename = 'filename' instance_field_timestamp = None cache_control_header_data = None serializer_class_retrieve = FileResponse def get_file_response_kwargs(self, instance): data = getattr(instance, self.instance_field_data) if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)): data = io.BytesIO(data) return { "streaming_content": data, "as_attachment": True, "filename": getattr(instance, self.instance_field_filename, ''), } @patch_gzip_response_decorator def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs): instance = self.get_object() instance_edit_timestamp = None if self.instance_field_timestamp: instance_edit: datetime.datetime = getattr(instance, self.instance_field_timestamp, None) instance_edit_timestamp = instance_edit.timestamp() if instance_edit else None if instance_edit_timestamp and instance_edit_timestamp == float(request.headers.get('If-None-Match', '0.0')): return HttpResponseNotModified() response: FileResponse = self.get_serializer(**self.get_file_response_kwargs(instance)) if self.instance_field_timestamp and instance_edit_timestamp: cache_control_header_data = getattr(self, 'cache_control_header_data', None) if cache_control_header_data is None: cache_control_header_data = default_cache_control_header_data response['Cache-Control'] = cache_control_header_data response['ETag'] = str(instance_edit_timestamp) return response
[документация]class ModelViewSet(GenericViewSet, vsets.ModelViewSet): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation """ A viewset that provides CRUD actions under model. Inherited from :class:`.GenericViewSet`. :var model: DB model with data. :vartype model: vstutils.models.BModel :var serializer_class: Serializer for view of Model data. :vartype serializer_class: vstutils.api.serializers.VSTSerializer :var serializer_class_one: Serializer for view one instance of Model data. :vartype serializer_class_one: vstutils.api.serializers.VSTSerializer :var serializer_class_[ACTION_NAME]: Serializer for view of any endpoint like `.create`. :vartype serializer_class_[ACTION_NAME]: vstutils.api.serializers.VSTSerializer Examples: .. sourcecode:: python from vstutils.api.base import ModelViewSet from . import serializers as sers class StageViewSet(ModelViewSet): # This is difference with DRF: # we use model instead of queryset model = sers.models.Stage # Serializer for list view (view for a list of Model instances serializer_class = sers.StageSerializer # Serializer for page view (view for one Model instance). # This property is not required, if its value is the same as `serializer_class`. serializer_class_one = sers.StageSerializer # Allowed to set decorator to custom endpoint like this: # serializer_class_create - for create method # serializer_class_copy - for detail endpoint `copy`. # etc... """
class NonModelsViewSet(GenericViewSet): base_name = None def get_queryset(self): return QuerySet() class ListNonModelViewSet(NonModelsViewSet, drf_mixins.ListModelMixin): # pylint: disable=abstract-method schema = None @property def methods(self): def is_list_action(attr): if not inspect.isfunction(attr): return False elif not hasattr(attr, 'url_path'): return False elif getattr(attr, 'detail', True): return False return True return ( x[0].replace('_', "-") for x in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, is_list_action) ) def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs): routes = { method: reverse(f"{request.version}:{self.base_name}-{method}", request=request) for method in self.methods } return responses.HTTP_200_OK(routes)
[документация]class ReadOnlyModelViewSet(GenericViewSet, vsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ Default viewset like vstutils.api.base.ModelViewSet for readonly models. Inherited from :class:`.GenericViewSet`. """
class ListOnlyModelViewSet(GenericViewSet, drf_mixins.ListModelMixin): """ Default viewset like vstutils.api.base.ModelViewSet for list only models. Inherited from :class:`.GenericViewSet`. """
[документация]class HistoryModelViewSet(ReadOnlyModelViewSet, drf_mixins.DestroyModelMixin): """ Default viewset like ReadOnlyModelViewSet but for historical data (allow to delete, but can't create and update). Inherited from :class:`.GenericViewSet`. """