Source code for vstutils.api.validators

import base64
import typing as _t
import re
import warnings
from io import BytesIO
from mimetypes import guess_type

from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework import serializers
from vstutils.utils import raise_context, translate

    from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError

    has_pillow = True
except ImportError:  # nocv
    has_pillow = False

def get_orientations_with_comma(*args):
    for arg in '.,;'.join(args).split(';'):
        yield from arg.split('.')

def apply_ratio(apply_to, ratio=1, rounded=False):
    return {
        side: rounded and round(side_size * ratio) or side_size * ratio
        for side, side_size in apply_to.items()

def find_broken_orientation(size, limits) -> _t.Tuple:
    return tuple(
        for orient, orient_limits in limits.items()
        if not (orient_limits['min'] <= size[orient] <= orient_limits['max'])

[docs]def resize_image_from_to(img, limits): """ Utility function to resize image proportional to values between min and max values for each side. Can create white margins if it's needed to satisfy restrictions :param img: Pillow Image object :type img: PIL.Image :param limits: Dict with min/max side restrictions like: ``{'width': {'min': 300, 'max: 600'}, 'height': {'min': 400, 'max: 800'}}`` :type limits: dict :return: Pillow Image object :rtype: PIL.Image """ size = {'width': img.size[0], 'height': img.size[1]} limits_list = [{'orient': k, **v} for k, v in limits.items()] best_size = apply_ratio( size, ratio=limits_list[0]['max'] / size[limits_list[0]['orient']] ) # decrease next side if needed if len(limits_list) == 2: ratio = limits_list[1]['max'] / best_size[limits_list[1]['orient']] if ratio <= 1: best_size = apply_ratio(best_size, ratio=ratio) best_size = apply_ratio(best_size, rounded=True) resized_image = img.resize((best_size['width'], best_size['height']), Image.NEAREST) broken_orientation = next(iter(find_broken_orientation(best_size, limits)), None) if not broken_orientation: return resized_image # add margin to image summary_margin_size = limits[broken_orientation]['min'] - best_size[broken_orientation] margin_parts = [int(summary_margin_size / 2), summary_margin_size - int(summary_margin_size / 2)] margin_sides = broken_orientation == "width" and ['left', 'right'] or ['top', 'bottom'] margin = {margin_sides[i]: margin_parts[i] for i in range(2)} margined_image = resized_image.mode, (resized_image.size[0] + margin.get('left', 0) + margin.get('right', 0), resized_image.size[1] + margin.get('top', 0) + margin.get('bottom', 0)), (255, 255, 255) ) margined_image.paste(resized_image, (margin.get('left', 0), margin.get('top', 0))) return margined_image
[docs]def resize_image(img, width, height): """ Utility function to resize image proportional to specific values. Can create white margins if it's needed to satisfy required size :param img: Pillow Image object :type img: PIL.Image :param width: Required width :type width: int :param height: Required height :type height: int :return: Pillow Image object :rtype: PIL.Image """ return resize_image_from_to(img, { 'width': {'min': width, 'max': width}, 'height': {'min': height, 'max': height}, })
[docs]class RegularExpressionValidator: """ Class for regular expression based validation :raises rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError: in case value does not match regular expression """ regexp: _t.Optional[_t.Pattern[_t.Text]] = None def __init__(self, regexp: _t.Optional[_t.Pattern] = None): """ :param regexp: Compiled regular expression """ self._regexp = regexp if regexp else self.regexp def __call__(self, value): if value and not self._regexp.match(value): raise serializers.ValidationError(self._error_msg()) def _error_msg(self): return translate('This field must match pattern ') + f'{self._regexp.pattern}'
[docs]class UrlQueryStringValidator(RegularExpressionValidator): """Class for validation url query string, for example a=&b=1""" regexp = re.compile(r'^[^&?=].+=.*$')
[docs]class FileMediaTypeValidator: """ Base Image Validation class. Validates media types. :param extensions: Tuple or List of file extensions, that should pass the validation Raises rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError: in case file extension are not in the list """ default_extensions: _t.Union[_t.Tuple, _t.List] = () def __init__(self, extensions: _t.Optional[_t.Union[_t.Tuple, _t.List]] = None, **kwargs): if extensions is not None: assert isinstance(extensions, (tuple, list)), "extensions must be list or tuple" else: extensions = self.default_extensions self.extensions = tuple(sorted( # type: ignore filter( bool, { guess_type(f'name.{e}')[0] if not (e and '/' in e and len(e.split('/')) == 2) else e for e in extensions } ) )) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __call__(self, value): file_media_type = guess_type(value['name'])[0] if value and self.extensions and file_media_type not in self.extensions: raise serializers.ValidationError( translate('Unsupported image file format') + f' "{value["name"]}" ({file_media_type or ""}) ' + translate('is not in listed supported types') + f' ({",".join(self.extensions)}).' ) self.media_type = file_media_type.split(sep='/')[1].upper()
[docs]class ImageValidator(FileMediaTypeValidator): """ Base Image Validation class Validates image format Won't work if Pillow isn't installed Base Image Validation class. Validates media types. :param extensions: Tuple or List of file extensions, that should pass the validation Raises rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError: in case file extension are not in the list """ warning_msg = 'Warning! Pillow is not installed, validation has not been done' default_extensions = [ 'bmp', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', ] def __call__(self, value): if not self.has_pillow: warnings.warn(self.warning_msg, ImportWarning) return super().__call__(value) @property def has_pillow(self): """ Check if Pillow is installed """ return has_pillow
[docs]class ImageOpenValidator(ImageValidator): """ Image validator that checks if image can be unpacked from b64 to PIL Image obj. Won't work if Pillow isn't installed. Raises rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError if PIL throws error when trying to open image """ error_msg = 'For some reason, this image file cannot be opened' def __call__(self, value): if not self.has_pillow: warnings.warn(self.warning_msg, ImportWarning) return super().__call__(value) try: self.img =['content']))) except UnidentifiedImageError as err: raise serializers.ValidationError(self.error_msg) from err
[docs]class ImageBaseSizeValidator(ImageOpenValidator): """ Validates image size To use this class for validating image width/height, rewrite self.orientation to ('height',) or ('width',) or ('height', 'width') Raises rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError: if not(min <= (height or width) <= max) """ orientation: _t.Union[_t.Union[_t.Tuple[str], _t.Tuple[str, str]], _t.Tuple] = () requires_context = True def __call__(self, value, serializer_field=None): if not self.has_pillow: warnings.warn(self.warning_msg, ImportWarning) return super().__call__(value) should_resize_image = False with raise_context(): should_resize_image = serializer_field.context['request'].headers.get('Auto-Resize-Image', None) == 'true' self.validate(value, should_resize_image) def validate(self, img_data, should_resize_image): limits = {} size = {} for orientation in self.orientation: min_value = getattr(self, f'min_{orientation}', 1) max_value = getattr(self, f'max_{orientation}', float('inf')) value = getattr(self.img, orientation) limits[orientation] = {'min': min_value, 'max': max_value} size[orientation] = value broken_orientations = find_broken_orientation(size, limits) if broken_orientations: if should_resize_image and settings.ALLOW_AUTO_IMAGE_RESIZE: buffered = BytesIO() resize_image_from_to(self.img, limits).save(buffered, format=self.media_type) img_data['content'] = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') else: raise serializers.ValidationError([ 'Invalid image size orientations', ': ', *tuple(get_orientations_with_comma(*broken_orientations)), '. ', 'Current image size', ': ', 'x'.join([str(size[x]) for x in broken_orientations]), ])
[docs]class ImageHeightValidator(ImageBaseSizeValidator): """ Wrapper for ImageBaseSizeValidator that validates only height :param min_height: minimal height of an image being validated :param max_height: maximal height of an image being validated """ orientation = ('height',)
[docs]class ImageWidthValidator(ImageBaseSizeValidator): """ Wrapper for ImageBaseSizeValidator that validates only width :param min_width: minimal width of an image being validated :param max_width: maximal width of an image being validated """ orientation = ('width',)
[docs]class ImageResolutionValidator(ImageBaseSizeValidator): """ Wrapper for ImageBaseSizeValidator that validates both height and width :param min_height: minimal height of an image being validated :param max_height: maximal height of an image being validated :param min_width: minimal width of an image being validated :param max_width: maximal width of an image being validated """ orientation = ('height', 'width')